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Tackle your goals while saving with a Secured Loan + Homeowner Discount. Unlike home equity loans that need your full home as collateral, this online secured loan uses items in your home like light fixtures, cabinets, and vanities. Available exclusively to homeowners, Secured Loan + Homeowner Discount customers can access our lowest rates available. Check your rate now to see how much you can save with secured.

couple hugging while moving in

Access up to $50,000 in as little as 24 hours with no additional paperwork*

Lower rates and more affordable monthly payments compared to our unsecured personal loan

An average APR discount of 20% saves money over time

Check your rate without impacting your credit score

What to think about when considering a Best Egg Secured Loan + Homeowner Discount


Do you have high-interest debts that you want to consolidate into a more affordable rate?


Could you use extra cash to make home improvements or repairs?


Are you looking for a secured personal loan that provides a low rate, but doesn’t use your home as collateral?


Are you interested in a loan term that ranges from 5-7 years?

man learning to manage his finances

Find out how much you could save

If you’re considering applying for a secured personal loan, try our personal loan calculator to see what your monthly payment and annual percentage rate might be before you apply.

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Learn more about personal loans


A secured personal loan is a type of loan that requires collateral, typically a car or home, to secure funding. Offering collateral generally lowers a lender’s risk, so borrowers may qualify for lower rates and higher loan amounts compared to unsecured personal loans.

To learn the differences between unsecured and secured loans, explore secured vs. unsecured loan options.

A secured personal loan could be right for you, but it all depends on what your needs are.
On the plus side, secured loans typically come with lower interest rates and higher loan amounts than unsecured personal loans due to the lowering a lender’s risk with collateral. Similarly, qualifying tends to be easier with less requirements, so they can be a great option for people with low credit scores or a limited credit history.

The reason borrowers can qualify for lower rates and higher amounts is also the major con of secured loans. If they can’t repay the loan, the lender may sell the collateral to recoup their losses. Before considering a secured personal loan, it’s crucial to have a defined repayment plan in place.

Need help better understanding collateral? Explore more about this loan option.

If you don’t want to use a secured personal loan with collateral to get money, there are plenty of options available.

Unsecured personal loans are based only on your creditworthiness and don’t require collateral. With that said, they usually have higher rates than secured loan options.

Credit cards provide a revolving line of credit that can be used for just about anything. While they have higher rates than most financial products, you can earn rewards without paying interest by paying your balance in full each month.

Home equity lines of credit, or HELOCs, allow homeowners to borrow against the equity in their homes and use the money for large expenses. With a HELOC, the collateral required for funding the loan is the borrower’s home.

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