WILMINGTON, Del., (March 3, 2025) – Best Egg, a leading fintech that drives financial confidence, is proud to announce its return as a sponsor of the Center for Accelerating Financial Equ...

Showing 1-10 Articles
January 8, 2019

BestCompany Names Best Egg a 2019 Consumers’ Choice for...

Best Egg has been named the 2019 Consumer’s Choice Award recipient in the personal loans industry by BestCompany.com, an independent consumer review site. 

August 28, 2018

Delaware’s 2018 Top Workplaces

Check out the list of Delaware’s top places to work in 2018

At Marlette Funding, CEO Jeffrey Meiler a ‘straig...

Jeffrey Meiler founded Marlette Funding in 2013. The CEO calls himself the company’s “first employee.” Five years later, there’s more than 300 of those. 

At Marlette Funding, a Fun Workplace Isn’t Slowin...

Marlette Funding, better known by its consumer-facing brand, Best Egg, has been ranked second overall in Top Workplaces in the mid-size business category.

July 19, 2018

Listening to the Customer: Using Analytics to Understan...

Most consumer lending organizations pride themselves on “listening to the customer,” but for many, “listening” is actually more instinctual, with courses of action determined by previous experience or by examining past patterns of customer behavior.

May 17, 2018

Marlette to Expand Home Improvement Loan Product

Marlette Funding is looking to expand the company’s home improvement loan product through its online platform BestEgg, according to Sabrina Basht, chief strategy officer at Marlette.

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